5 Feet: Cars & Riders
The vast majority of States have laws that set minimum safe passing distances of 3 feet for motor vehicles passing bicycles on the road. Most other States have laws that provide that motorists must pass at a “safe distance.” These laws, like most regarding vehicle conduct laws set minimum safe boundaries and limits.
Why drive to the minimum allowable safe distance and risk significant harm?
Cycle Advocates Give 5 promotes use of a 5 foot passing clearance to ensure easy compliance with rules of the road and better safety practices, avoiding error in close calculations and minimizing rush decisions and passing activity.
Consistent with the majority of State’s including bicycles as vehicles and subject to most rules of the road, Cycle Advocates Give 5, also promotes the 5 foot passing practice for cyclists passing vehicles and pedestrians, avoiding unexpected vehicle and pedestrian movement resulting in collisions and near misses which negatively impacts the community and the acceptance of cycling.